
Old House Playground – Stardance

Screen shot 2015-01-02 at 13.12.33What’s this? Blues and rock and roll in the 21st century? Still going strong? Of course it is, there’s nothing quite like a good bluesy rhythm to get you up and shuffling your feet and Old House Playground have managed to capture the real essence of blues and given it their own spin, resulting in an uncomplicated piece of music that’s surely far too fattening for your soul. Nevertheless, I heartily recommend this indulgence.

There’s all the willing spirit of the blues that has flowed through all the finest jazz sounds, ultimately though I’m just a sucker for a nice bit of brass – how good a Reel Big Fish? Right? With a tight-as-can-be brass section on hand to aid their bluesy crusade, the band are calling upon some of the finest tried and tested musical motifs to help bring old-fashioned music that’ll never feel dated back into the fray. They’ve got a rather handy opening to the guitar solo that’ll catch you off-guard before a typically low-octane melody drifts through your ears as everything else fails away.

This is a solid track, with everything from the rhythm section right through to the lead vocals and brass pulling their weight, contributing to a truly sinister vibe that can only strike home with full effect once you give in to the dark side of the blues.

Ciaran Steward


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