
Peter Lyons – Leave Me

Screen shot 2015-05-29 at 20.29.06Always the first to bring you new music, this track definitely didn’t already have over 30k plays on Soundcloud before I got around to writing this. It’s no surprise really though, Peter Lyons is so talented that I wouldn’t entirely be surprised if he told me he could fly. Obviously, my first question would be ‘can I have a lift?’

The sparse electronic sounds that lay in wait behind the darling vocals are so immensely well judged that you’ll find yourself questioning where this guy has come from and how he is able to make every hair on your body stand on end with quite such ease. The London-based musician is a master of his aural surroundings and there’s no denying that he’s got something special inside him that deserves to be heard by EVERYONE. Sure, it might be a little too poppy for some yet there’s something so intrinsically fascinating about the construction of this song that you can’t help but fall completely silent and listen in intently as if you were a dog trying to work out what colour your bowl is.

It’s probably red, they’re usually red. Oh right, listen to this now and feel your mind change.

Ciaran Steward

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