
Louis Berry – Nicole

Screen Shot 2016-07-03 at 10.36.49Think you’ve heard everything the blues has to throw at you? Think again – Louis Berry has ripped up the rulebook and taken things right back to square one before throwing that book at the centre of your skull and messing with your head.

Royal Blood may have won several plaudits for their new-fangled approach to the blues but the talented Mr Berry goes one step further by taking a voice tailor-made for old-school blues goodness and then ramping up the guitars and bass until you’ve got a force worth reckoning with that could bring even the strongest of men to their knees. With a chorus riff that’s sure to set dance floors on fire and the depths of a voice that could make everyone from Tom Jones to Barry White stand up and pay attention this is one of the most infectious songs you’ll hear this year. This is an absolute rager and if you take your time to stick your head into it you’ll come out on the other side with all kinds of ambition and fight in your blood.

Sometimes the blues choose you, other times you choose how to make the blues do exactly what you want.

Ciaran Steward

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